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Capacity Building

Private entities, the City of Norwalk, and the Norwalk Housing Authority own substantial amounts of underdeveloped property in the urban core. To realize the full development potential of these parcels requires building the capacity of public entities to provide technical assistance to property owners and developers, negotiate disposition agreements, and ensure the timely development of projects.

Build Development Program

Planning / Real Estate Finance Training

Offer training and educational seminars to commissioners, employees, staff, and others in real estate development, finance, and investment.

Develop GIS & Market Data Repository

Stay up-to-date on market trends and local data in order to coordinate agency work with Norwalk and broader real estate market conditions.

Research & Apply for Funding Grants

An important part of providing technical assistance and financial support for redevelopment projects in Norwalk is acquiring grant funding. Researching and applying for grants that are relevant to planned projects in the city will be key to moving developments forward to completion.

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