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MLK Corridor Initiative

The Norwalk Redevelopment Agency is currently working with the City of Norwalk to implement several programs as part of the MLK Corridor Initiative.

MLK Corridor Initiative

June 22, 2022

MLK Corridor Initiative Open House & Ribbon Cutting

$7.6+ Million in Priority Investments

A ribbon cutting and open house was held on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at the South Norwalk Public Library to showcase the MLK Corridor Initiative.

Since 2019, the Initiative has identified more than $7.6 million of priority investments in economic and community development, education, housing, and safety improvements and has secured critical funding that will address nearly all identified priorities. The total investment in the South Norwalk area will be approximately $15 million total, with funds from local, state and federal sources. This includes $8.2 million from the American Rescue Plan Act that will enhance and benefit all of Norwalk, particularly South Norwalk residents.

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In partnership with the Redevelopment Agency, the City of Norwalk is launching two additional programs. The first program supports $1 million worth of residential façade improvements in owner and tenant-occupied homes. The second program is a first-time initiative for low-interest loans offered to residents in South Norwalk for home improvements including roof and window replacement, and other enhancements.

At the Ribbon Cutting and Open House event, members of the community had the opportunity to share their ideas and learned more about these projects and accomplishments to date. Information was available on topics such as infrastructure, affordable housing, adult and youth services, parks, green infrastructure, tree planting, residential improvement programs, bus shelters, neighborhood clean-ups, support for Women- & Minority-Owned Business Enterprises, connectivity and mobility, education, community organizations, streetscape improvements, and more.

View the Presentation News 12 Story


During the 2017 legislative session, Freedom Faith Collaborative successfully worked with the State legislature, the Governor’s Office and the Department of Banking to designate three Corridors, in different urban areas in the state, “MLK Corridors”. The three named corridors are Norwalk, Middletown and New Britain. These designated corridors would then serve as an epicenter to help spur increased economic activity to the benefit of the community, residents and municipalities and help solve some of the chronic problems that face urban areas like unemployment, housing and education.

City of Norwalk Seal

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