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Grants & Programs

Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. The CDBG Program is only available to eligible non-profit organizations. Individuals are not eligible to apply for the program.

The application period s is currently closed.

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Neighborhood Assistance Act Program

Connecticut’s Neighborhood Assistance Act (NAA) program provides a tax credit to businesses that make cash contributions to qualifying community programs conducted by tax exempt or municipal agencies. The community programs must be approved by both the municipality in which the programs are conducted and by Connecticut’s Department of Revenue Services.

The application period for 202s is now open.

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South Norwalk Improvement Program

The purpose of the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency's South Norwalk Investment Program is to provide exterior façade improvements and critical interior repairs to eligible projects located within the MLK Drive Corridor.

The application period has closed. Stay tuned for new grant opportunities in the future.

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Residential Improvement Fund

The Residential Improvement Fund (Fund) is intended to help finance maintenance, repair, and renovation projects on residential properties primarily occupied by low- or moderate-income households. The Fund provides either a low-interest loan or, for eligible historic buildings, a no-interest, forgivable loan to qualifying applicants citywide.

This program accepts applications on a rolling basis until funds are depleted.

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Note: this button will take you to more info on the City of Norwalk website.

Historic Façade Improvement Grant

The Historic Façade Improvement Grant Program is a grant program for eligible owners, or tenants with owner’s permission, to fix up the façade of their commercial, institutional, or residential property.

The application period has closed. Stay tuned for new grant opportunities in the future.

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